I would like to be a forensic anthropologist like Temperance Brennan. This season of bones has started off on a good start. I enjoyed Cindy Lauper's portrayal of a psychic on episode one, it shook up the rest of the bones squad's scientific way of thinking. I'm just now waiting for Tempy and Seeley to finally kiss and not in a comatose way.

I also caught Grey's and Private Practice. It was nice to see the crossover. but Miranda Bailey and Sam? I'm glad she stopped that kiss. One of my favorite quotes from this episode was from Addison. "must be nice to be a baby haven't made any mistakes had any fights said anything that you can't take back..." I wish to be a baby again. hell to the yeah. oh yeah and I'm happy that Violet is physically out of the closet and back at work. I enjoyed her and Charlotte's martini time last week. but she might need more than a few martini's to get over getting cut open by a crazy. lets try some anti depressants. and THEN a martini.

UM how about Christina Aguilera and Kristin Bell's new movie musical Burlesque. A lot of people are already saying that Kristin can't compare to Christina, but if you've ever seen Reefer Madness you might change your mind. google it.
ok thats the end of my first pop culture blog. haha.
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