Sunday, October 08, 2006

light as a feather, stiff as a board, light as a feather stiff as a board. i guess i was too obese. it worked in the craft. psh.

Vak's bday dinner @ sotto. We had to wait sooooo long for a table. many pictures. good times. their food is very tasty. the garlic knots = love. Jessye's bday drinkathon at A&B. G&T my drink of choice last night.

I found a new show, which is gonna be the death of me, i don't do much work anyways. Heroes. Download the 2nd episode "Don't Look Back" on iTunes. I'm still trying to find the first. It looks pretty good though. not as good as Veronica Mars though. The new season has started and i'm already lost. Don't mess with the bull.

My parents are still in maine. I called them today, Big Lynn picks up...."heyy!! we're on top of a mountain in Acadia National Park..."
"well i'm glad you have service there." they are so random.

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