Thursday, August 28, 2008

the path.

road blocks stop signs more talks still blind
your lips nod in agreement to my monologue. throat
clogged. can't wait to blog. i open my mouth and my mind slips out
intertwining combining reconnecting recollecting with yours. unclogged. thats all it takes. your nod says so much more then what i've needed from you. we understand the madness we've crawled out of. we rebuilt a crazy new world of understanding and silly retarded love. we drink, we dance. to our friendship. forever.

i've fallen into my usual pits and holes when it comes to this unattainable goal that hangs over my head, i'm that donkey with the carrot dangling in front of its nose trying to have just a little taste. all i do is work and then pass out in my bed. and think. fantasize. over analyze. my immortal thoughts will outlive this shell. this shell. this body. this beer belly. thanks mom. my thoughts fly to maine on a small airplane. a small house by the ocean. thoughts drift easy in the low tide there. the moon light dances in shadows eyes. will i ever call that home.

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