he said, HE SAID.
lies, warped truth. gimmie gimme. more.
Hit me where it hurts...or...well...used to hurt. talk talk
TALK.where is the answer to our unhappy ending? does it really matter anymore. sober.
think think think. no. no, it doesn't. I've already sung that tune. over and over. songs over and done. I've moved on. why apply a band aid to an already healed scar? 9 months ago...so many things have changed since then. for the best.
I've learned a lot about my friends and friendship in general this year. They are and will always be a huge part of who i am. what i am. and what it comes down to it, we're all we've got. and I've realized, no matter how far away they are, whether I see them everyday in class, have done a program with them or just people who I haven't talked to in forever because of whatever reason. I've realized that I'm made up of hand prints, laughter, tears, fights, parties, pictures, drunken craziness, support, kindness, strength and love that these weird crazy lovable people have given me. WE owe it to ourselves when stupid fucked up shit happens between us to talk, reconnect, cry, hold on to each other, to pick up the broken pieces work it out, put it back together and
move on.